Friday, February 22, 2008

Sydney Baby!

I'm in Sydney!!! Yipee!!!

As I've done numerous times while back home, visiting different parts of the country and discovering what other cities have to offer is always a very interesting experience, not to mention a whole lot of fun! Having been in Perth for almost nine months now, it was awesome to be able to see and walk the streets of a new city, visit and catch up with a lot of old friends and of course, be able to speak Filipino and having people understand what the hell I was saying. (Not that I speak a lot of Filipino when no one understands me, that would be weird. hehe =D)

But as with every situation life puts all of us in, there are pros and cons. I've always been jealous of my friends being all together in Sydney and still being able to just hang out at each other's houses whenever they want. On one hand, I think it would be great to be a part of that and just still hang on to some of my creature comforts. It would be amazing to have my friends around every time I get a little homesick or eat Filipino food from that take-away store everyday.

But I realized, on the other hand, I wouldn't have needed to make friends with the ones I have in Perth, and they are wonderful people. I wouldn't have been able to experience their way of life, which in some ways are same as mine used to be but in a lot of ways different as well. And I think I wouldn't want to miss out on that.

I guess being able to recognize the what ifs, as well as accept and be happy with the what is, makes living my life a lot easier and a lot less stressful. =D

**Shoutout! Thanks Jack and Kim for letting me stay in your home!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm Off!!!

I'm sooo excited!

After work tonight, I'm going to step foot on my first ever red-eye flight and spend a full week in Sydney. I've been there once before but this time, I'll just be hanging out with friends and seeing the sights. I guess collecting all them days in lieu (which I get when I work public holidays and six-day weeks), chaining them all up is now allowing me to have a mini paid vacation without having to touch all the holidays I'm saving up to use when I go back home to the Philippines in May.

It would be a fantastic opportunity to speak Filipino again with people there to actually understand what I was saying. While I often slip the occassional na and lang in my everyday life just as often as I say no worries and I reckon, having a full day just speaking Tagalog (more so Taglish) I think may be both weird and refreshing after 8 months amongst non Filipino speaking folk here in Perth.

But I reckon (=D) spending time with friends that I knew from back home in a different city could be quite interesting as well. Making memories of places I've never been and having these people in them would be really nice. But mostly catching up and getting ourselves into all sorts of crazy stuff we used to do back home but in a different setting should be hilarious.

Well, that's it for today! I have to get to work. Just wanted to share. I'll try and upload pictures when I can.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

DMCs or DandMs

We've all done it at one time or another, with either friends and family, or with the occassional stranger. I always enjoy deep and meaningful conversations with people as I am able to get an insight into someone's soul, gain a little bit of an understanding as to what goes on in another person's head and try to walk in his or her shoes for a second.

Last night, I had a great conversation with two of my housemates. I really enjoyed it and was able to learn alot from and about them. It's amazing to me to realize that even though we're from different backgrounds, cultures and even accents (hehehe), we still are able to relate to one another and have so much to talk about. We laid on the driveway, started to watch stars and galaxies, then watched as the sun rose and shone on us, all the while sharing each other's lives and loves, hopes and fears, secrets and dreams.

What I've realized is that we aren't as different as I always thought we were. We were all passengers in this journey, able to help each other out as we go, if we only realize that help is just a heartbeat away, we only just have to ask or recognize it when it comes. We are all of the same race, human. And we are all as confused and messed up as each other, but that these make us who we are and give us our uniqueness.

I just wanted to capture these thoughts as they come to after a long but fulfilling night of a deep and meaningful conversation.